Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Astana Giribangun is a mausoleum for the family of former president of Indonesia to-2, Suharto. Located in the eastern city of Surakarta, Indonesia, precisely in Girilayu Village, Sub Matesih, Karanganyar District, about 35 km from Surakarta.


This tomb was built on a hill, just below Mangadeg Astana, burial complex rulers Mangkunegaran, one of the pieces of Mataram Sultanate. Astana Mangadeg at an altitude 750 meters above sea level, while Giribangun at 666 meters above sea level. Mangadeg buried at Astana Mangkunegara (MN) I aka Prince Sambernyawa, Mangkunegara II, and Mangkunegara III.
Selection position under Mangadeg is not without reason; to remain respectful Mangkunegaran rulers, since she was a descendant of Tien Soeharto Mangkunegoro III. This tomb complex has three levels of the cupola (the tomb of the building): Sari Argo teletak cupola in the middle and highest, at bottom, there is Argo Kembang cupola, and the bottom is a cone of Argo Tuwuh.
Astana Giribangun main entrance is located on the north side. Directly borders the south side of the cliff beneath which flows the Kali Samin beautiful winding area viewed from the tomb. There is also a door in the eastern part of the tomb complex of direct access to the Mangadeg Astana.
In addition to building the cemetery, there are nine other supporting buildings. Among these are the mosques, houses resting place for Suharto's family if the pilgrimage, pilgrims bathroom for the main, water tank, the main gate, two dugout or retreat for tourists, home care and special parking area for the family car.
At the bottom, there are parking spaces are very wide. In the Suharto to power, in this area are dozens of vendors stalls selling souvenirs and food to serve the pilgrims and tourists. However, there is now no longer allowed to sell the place for security reasons and tranquility.
Argo Sari
Large tomb consists of several parts. Among these are the main parts called Argosari Dome in the middle of the room 81 square meter area with a protected form of the cupola of the house joglo Surakarta style shingle roof. The wall is made of carved wood Surakarta style too.
In this room is only planned for five graves. We have the west is the tomb of Siti Hartini, in the middle of the tomb Soemarharjomo pair (father and mother Tien) and the east is the tomb of Mrs. Tien Soeharto. Directly to the west of the tomb is the tomb of Mrs. Tien Soeharto.
Still in the Argosari, precisely in the patio area of the cupola 243 square meters, there is a place planned for the tomb of the body 12.
Cupola on the porch area is 405 square meters area for 48 agencies. The right to be buried in that place is advisory, management and daily Mangadeg Foundation board member who manages the cemetery. Including the right to be buried in that place was businessman Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono and his wife.
Argo Kembang
Part outside the main location is Argokembang Dome area 567 square meters. This place is a place for 116 bodies. Which can be buried in that location is the plenary and section administrators Foundation Mangadeg large family or other Mangkunegaran credited to apply foundation to be buried in the Astana.
Argo Tuwuh
The outermost is the Dome Argotuwuh area 729 square meters. This place is a place for 156 bodies. Like the Flower Dome Argus, the right to be buried in locations that are the foundation board Mangadeg Mangkunegaran or other large families who apply.
Astana Giri Bangun built in 1974 by the Foundation Mangadeg Surakarta, and inaugurated the use of the year 1976. The inauguration was marked by the removal of the remains Soemaharjomo (Soharto Tien's father) and Siti Hartini Oudang (Mrs. Tien's eldest brother), who both previously buried in the tomb Utoroloyo, one big family tomb Mangkunegaran descendants in the city of Solo.


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